Monday, April 7, 2008

Reflection 2

Reading the Friend Game by Lauren Collins was interesting. It was also somewhat disturbing. The thought of adults being behind and supporting that kind of behavior is unbelieveable. Teens fight, and sometimes these fights get dramatic, but in no way should what happened to Megan Meier be condoned in any way. What the Drews did was very cruel and it puts a negative outlook online communitites like MySpace. But in that case, what could MySpace have possibly done to prevent this from happening? Perhaps they might ask for a form of identification when opening an account. being that myspace valuse privacy, would that be an invasion of privacy? In this case, the people that were involved should have thought clearly and carefully about what they were doing instead of plating with the mind and emotions of such a fragile CHILD. The point of adults condoning this behavior towards a child is baffling to me.

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