Sunday, February 10, 2008

Summary: Glister "Digital Literacy"

Paul Glister begins his article by illustrating that with the development of codex, pages could be turned rather than unscrolling papyrus. The process of locating information was changed because it became easier to access particular points of the reading by just turning pages. This can also be seen when accessing information using the internet versus using printed media. When using the internet, you can simply search for a particular quote or phrase in a printed work using a search engine, where as if you were looking through the actual print version it could take quite a while to find it amongst the pages. There are differences in digital literacy as far as internet space and print space. Internet space, being interactive, is easily changeable, and is not monitored by a specific person. Print space on the other hand is more complicated to alter after a work is published. The content of print space is also mediated by editors before a work is published.

He also talks about a paradigm shift. This illustrates the difference between reading something in print and reading the same thing on a computer, the newspaper for example. The internet is more inclusive, anfd you can choose what to search for. Whereas in print, it is more exclusive and the content is unchangeably there, leavingt you with a fixed index and limited resources.

The internet, constantly changing,gives us the ability to connect to other people and other places, but more importantly gives us the option to constantly change our options. This is especially helpful in today's time wheninformation excahnge occurs so rapidly.

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